6 easy ways to transition to a plant-based diet
Industrial farming is having a catastrophic impact on the planet—and our health. It's tough to separate the two given how dependent we are on the environment for survival.
Eating for Pleasure, People & Planet
Today, Tom Hunt, award-winning eco-chef, writer and climate change campaigner, is my guest blogger. His Bristol restaurant Poco, has won numerous awards including Best Ethical Restaurant at the Observer Food Monthly Awards.
Now We’re Here…How Do We Get Out? Part II
In the second part of their ground-breaking conversation with the Global CEO of Compassion in World Farming, Philip Lymbery, Peter and Andrew delve into the business of intensive dairy farming. The conversation includes:
Now We’re Here…How Do We Get Out? Part I
In the first of a two-part conversation, Peter and Andrew speak Philip Lymbery. Philip is Global Chief Executive Officer of the leading international farm animal welfare organisation, Compassion in World Farming, Visiting Professor
The Klosters Forum
Hannah MacInnes joins Philip Lymbery, Chief Executive Officer of Compassion in World Farming and a commentator on the effects of industrial farming, on The Klosters Forum Feed & Flourish Podcast series, to discuss the topic of biodiversity
A future where farming and wildlife coexist
Gemma Davis, Naturopath, author and Ambassador from Voiceless, The Animal Protection Institute, explores all things around healthy and conscious living, with the intention to help her listeners make
Opening the Cages of the World
Today, 2nd October, 2020 is World Farm Animals Day, and today is also the day the European Commission (EU) receives the successful European Citizens’ Initiative 'End the Cage Age' which calls on the EU to phase out the use of cages
Vuelio Green Blogger Spotlight
How did you originally get started with writing about green issues? - 40 years ago, as an avid member of the RSPB’s Young Ornithologist’s Club (YOC), I took part in a project to find Britain’s most common garden bird. I’ve written
The Wardrobe Crisis – Animals Have Feelings Too
You probably already know that industrialised farming is chemically intensive and a big greenhouse gas polluter - but how much do you really know about animal agriculture? About its enormous scale, the waste and the way we treat