Health, Hope and the Road Ahead
There is something refreshing about a new year. Many of us start with new resolutions or new ideas. It’s a time when people plan fresh starts. We look to make changes in our lives, to be inspired.
An interview with Philip Lymbery – CEO of Compassion in World Farming
WHAT IS FACTORY FARMING? Essentially factory farming, the intensive rearing of animals in cages, crammed in confinement is not only the biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet, it’s also a major driver of declines of wildlife, and the
One Health, One Welfare, One Planet
As I sit down to write this end of year message, I reflect on the most challenging and tragic of years. Yet I also reflect on the essence of what makes us human and connects us all around the world
Lab grown meat is here – but would you eat it?
As Singapore approves the sale of cultured meat, we pick over the bones of the health and ethical implications of 'fake meat'
How to Love Food and Save Nature
As a lifelong naturalist who lives on a farm, I am acutely aware of how food, nature and the countryside are interlinked. Only this spring, I watched a field being ploughed, only to discover that the soil had no worms.
Looking back on Life and Lockdown
2020 has been a tough year. It’s hard to put it into words. What started on an optimistic note, welcoming in the New Year, soon changed with the advent of Covid-19, as it spread around the globe with devastating effects.
Why world’s first approval for cultured meat is good for us all
In the world of food and sustainability, news doesn’t come much bigger than the first ever regulatory approval for the sale of cultured meat. In early December, San Francisco-based Food tech company, Eat Just, Inc., announced that it had been
Alliance to Save our Antibiotics – Why our health is at risk from weak trade deals
Whilst the threat posed by viruses has dominated headlines recently, a new report by the Alliance to Save our Antibiotics shows public health is being seriously undermined by the overuse of antibiotics in intensive animal farming.