Why not reimagine the festive season with family, humanity and animals in mind?
Glancing at some of the media bulletins at the moment, you could be forgiven for thinking there's every possibility that Christmas could be cancelled this year!
Christmas, Covid and the Climate Crisis
Glancing at some of the media bulletins at the moment, you could be forgiven for thinking there's every possibility that Christmas could be cancelled this year! There are a plethora of reasons why; a shortage of HGV drivers as well
From Flamingos to Fungi and Forests: Why Nature Matters
I feel very fortunate to live in a rural area, where I can enjoy my garden with its bird feeders that attract all sorts of cheerful, colourful birds, including the occasional pheasant.
Shocking rate of species extinction threatens the health of the natural world
I live in a small farm hamlet with my wife Helen and our dog, Duke. This place I call home is my lens for watching the countryside. Every day, I walk with Duke through the fields and woods and each
10 Crucial Reasons to Never Eat ‘Cheap’ Meat
Few understand how our hunger for 'cheap' meat, dairy and eggs is costing us the Earth. It's understandable because cruel factory farming is so often hidden from view. But on 16th October, World Food Day, it has never been more
Octopus Farming: A Recipe For Disaster
There are few creatures on Earth as striking as octopuses. They are remarkable marine cephalopod molluscs (in the same class as squid and cuttlefish), easily identified by their eight arms. They inhabit all marine habitats ranging from tropical reefs to polar
Octopus farming is immoral
There are few creatures on Earth as striking as octopuses. They are remarkable marine cephalopod molluscs, in the same biological class as squid and cuttlefish and easily identified by their eight arms. They inhabit all marine habitats, ranging from tropical
Balancing Biodiversity with Agricultural Development
This month’s episode focuses on the upcoming UN Convention on Biological Diversity, set to take place in Kunming, China this October. Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farming, talks about encouraging companies to move to environmentally friendly and healthy
Why Charles Darwin and St Francis of Assisi would have been fans of organic farming
“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man,” said Charles Darwin. Today is World Animal Day, a time to celebrate animals across the world, be they farmed, wild or companion animals.
For The Love Of Animals
'The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man' - Charles Darwin. Today, 4th October 2021, is World Animal Day. A day to celebrate animals across the world, be they farmed, wild or companion animals. This day has