June Compassionate World Blog Round Up
From news on Octopus farming, Ban Live Export Awareness Day, Danish fishermen and Puffins, to why cheap supermarket meat is killing the rainforest, plus a whole lot more… For all the animal, farming, food and environment news from May and June,
Read scientists’ warnings on climate change to realise the need to make peace with nature
Deep into election season and we’ve all been inundated with messages from politicians of every persuasion trying to woo our vote. Big issues include the cost of living, health, and the economy.
End Live Export NZ Timaru members show support for petition handover
End Live Export New Zealand members from Timaru have flown to Wellington to show their support as a petition to keep the ban on live animal exports was handed over at Parliament.
Zbývá nám šedesát sklizní, upozorňuje Philip Lymbery
Sám je od 17 let vegan a snaží se povzbuzovat ostatní k vyváženějšímu a zdravějšímu jídelníčku. Jíst méně masa, ale zato kvalitnějšího, je podle ochránce zvířat a propagátora ekologického hospodaření Philipa Lymberyho cesta k ochraně planety.
Will Our Children Heal the World?
Sitting on a child’s bed are rows of brightly coloured animals. A blue lizard. A golden lion alongside a purple monkey. A brown teddy, cuddling a baby koala, a present from a grandparents’ travels
Will our children heal the world, and will we allow them to?
Sitting on a child’s bed are rows of brightly coloured animals. A blue lizard. A golden lion alongside a purple monkey.
Penguins Are Key Indicators of the Ocean’s Health
In Betty’s Bay, South Africa, one of the world’s wildlife celebrities, an African penguin, was busy shaking herself free from the sea.
Penguins Are Key Indicators of the Ocean’s Health | TIME
Penguins Are Key Indicators of the Ocean’s Health | TIME
Penguins Are Key Indicators of the Ocean’s Health
In Betty’s Bay, South Africa, one of the world’s wildlife celebrities, an African penguin, was busy shaking herself free from the sea.
How we make food is insane — a conversation with animal advocate and author Philip Lymbery
For Philip Lymbery, the author of ‘Farmageddon’, ‘The Dead Zone’ and ‘Sixty Harvests Left’, we have two choices: change how we feed ourselves or prepare for extinction.