January Big Table Roundup Blog
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For all the environment, animal and food news from December and January, please use this great update.
From Live Export to our cost of living crisis and from World Soil Day to being kinder to animals, plus a whole lot more…
Opinion Articles
Social Media
‘The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper’
W.B. Yeats pic.twitter.com/m7Tau0JF0s— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) January 1, 2023
All life is connected and all life deserves #respect and #compassion, however small ???????????? ???? pic.twitter.com/gBpgXXNmxV— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) December 4, 2022
Thor the walrus resting on a Hampshire beach overnight
Pls give this magnificent creature the respect & consideration it deserves
We all remember the tragic and heartbreaking fate of Freya in Norway
Thor is an example of our rare & precious wildlife, not a tourist attraction pic.twitter.com/fXO1kAPnyJ— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) December 12, 2022
Top Mention
Just imagine living your life as a factory farmed sow in one of these cages – facing a wall, unable to turn around but giving birth to your babies, over and over again
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book
Let’s write a good one and #EndTheCageAge for good@ciwf pic.twitter.com/W4mDHe1L8A— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) December 31, 2022
Speaker Events for 2023, now confirmed
- 9th Feb: Toppings, Edinburgh
- 15th Feb: Toppings in Bath on 15th February
- 21st Feb: Romney Street Group at the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall
- 23rd Feb: Probus speaking date in Petersfield
- 22nd March: NYC Bar Association Animal Law Committee Books at the Bar programme
- 25th March: Peter Roberts lecture at the Sheldonian, Oxford
- 26th April: Cambridge Alt Protein Project