March Big Table Roundup Blog
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This Roundup blog includes all the news and animal welfare activity from February and March.
From the importance of the Animal Sentience Bill in the UK to our attitudes to wolves, from polar bears to climate change, and from the ‘rain bomb’ in Australia to the importance of understanding what goes into pet food.
Please do catch up on the articles, blogs and extensive social media support for all these stories, plus so much more.
Opinion Articles
Social Media
Top Tweet with 126K Impressions
These are dark days for the world and humanity #UkraineCrisis
But here is a little reminder of the amazing beauty and wonderful colour that does exist in our world courtesy of a Lilac-Breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus) in Southern Africa
Photo by Mohammed Jinnah #NatureBeauty— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) March 4, 2022
Top Media Tweet with 54.1K impressions
Bees are an essential & beautiful life force for our food & world
They are disappearing at an alarming rate due to intensive farming, pesticides & habitat loss
We must protect all #nature all #species
Take a stand for #EarthHour today for #Bees #biodiversity #ClimateCrisis #Life
— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) March 26, 2022
Top Facebook Post for Mothers Day with 1.3K reach
Speaker Event

Image Credit: Compassion in World Farming / Richard Dunwoody
Dame Joanna Lumley will be sharing the stage with Philip on Saturday 2nd April, to deliver the 2022 Peter Roberts Memorial Lecture.
Joanna will be speaking about ‘The True Meaning of Compassion’ and the event will be held at 12 noon at the prestigious Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford.
With grateful thanks to the Oxford Literary Festival who will be kindly hosting the event.
If you wish to attend please use this link