How industrial farming is destroying the Earth
We speak to Philip Lymbery about why back-to-basics regenerative farming would help feed the world's growing population and fight climate change
Book Review: Philip Lymbery’s ‘Sixty Harvests Left’ Lays Bare Farming Crisis, Makes Case For Soil Conservation
Traditionally, animals ate grass and farm waste, which humans could not eat, and produced milk and meat, which humans could eat. Now, industrial agriculture has upturned the ages-old human contract with nature. Philip Lymbery’s ‘Sixty Harvests Left’ is the story
Can meat start the next pandemic?
Adopting an alternative food lifestyle is the only way to get out of this man-made crisis. But the onus of this change cannot be on consumers alone.
Will England allow its iconic and rare chalk stream habitats to be trashed by pollution?
Like the Scottish uplands, England’s chalk streams have become an iconic destination for many countryside lovers
Insect Farming Isn’t Going to Save the Planet
Raising animals intensively for food is the biggest source of animal cruelty on the planet. It also happens to be a major emitter of greenhouse gases, responsible for up to 37 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Don’t let farmland become a field of death
Atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen has dubbed this modern period the "Anthropocene." One of the most powerful driving forces behind human beings changing nature on an unprecedented scale is a fundamental urge—the urge to fill our stomachs and satisfy our appetites.
Gardens can become sanctuaries for wildlife and help reverse the decline of nature
Pesticides and the ripping up of hedgerows and flower meadows has turned much of our countryside into a wildlife desert in recent decades
US approval of ‘lab-grown chicken’ could be game-changer for efforts to halt decline of nature
Meat grown from stem cells promises to emit fewer greenhouse gases than traditional agriculture
Restano solo sessanta raccolti
L’attivista Philip Lymbery vuole frenare l’agricoltura intensiva, altrimenti tutti i nostri sforzi per affrontare il cambiamento climatico saranno destinati a fallire
ECOS 44 (2): A Journey Back to Farming’s Future
On 11th and 12th May 2023 Compassion in World Farming (@ciwf) hosted the Extinction or Regeneration Conference in Westminster, London, the forerunner of which had taken place in 2017.