If we’re serious about the climate crisis, being cruel can no longer be an option
“Code red for humanity” is how the UN Secretary-General described the latest scientific warnings about climate change.
How humanity has turned Earth’s Garden of Eden into a world in decline in less than a lifetime
This has been a big week for me with the launch of my latest book, Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-friendly Future.
UK Home To Over 1,000 ‘Mega’ Factory Farms, New Investigation Reveals
Mega-farms housing hundreds of thousands of animals are becoming more prominent across the British countryside
Food for thought: how we are farming our way to disaster
In his new book Sixty Harvests Left, Scotsman columnist and CEO of Compassion in World Farming Philip Lymbery argues that industrial farming methods are endangering the planet
‘We promised to look after the soil but we screwed it up. Now the soil is biting back
After decades of wastefulness and over-consumption, society is now facing the consequences of living “as if there is an endless summer”, according to animal advocate Philip Lymbery.
We have to change how we farm and eat to save the human race.
By 2040, the world’s population is predicted to rise to nine billion—and we all need to eat. Enter a new generation of bright ideas, novel protein sources and radical farmers.
Investigation reveals UK has over 1,000 mega-farms in livestock-intensive farming boom
More than 1,000 US-style factory farms are unraveling across the UK. New data reveals that some of the massive farms hold as many as a million animals.
UK Home To Over 1,000 ‘Mega’ Factory Farms, New Investigation Reveals
Mega-farms, which hold hundreds of thousands of animals (and in some cases more than one million), are rife across the UK, according to new research.