Brasil se une à campanha global ‘Ponto Final’
Fórum Animal adere ao movimento END.IT, liderado pela organização Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), para pedir que líderes mundiais apoiem um Acordo Global das Nações Unidas (ONU) para transformar o sistema alimentar e acabar com a criação de animais em
VII Seminário de Defesa Animal (22 a 24/05) pode ser assistido online
O Fórum Animal, uma das mais respeitadas entidades voltadas à causa animal do Brasil, realiza em Brasília, na sede do ICMBio, o VII Seminário de Defesa Animal: Desafios da Sociedade Civil e do Poder Público de 22 a 24
As My Octopus Teacher showed, these creatures are too intelligent to be farmed
The mind of an octopus can be compared to a three-year-old child’s. Are we really going to trap them in barren tanks of water while they await slaughter for food?
Woolworths is the first retailer in South Africa to receive a Special Recognition Award from Compassion in World Farming for its leadership in championing cage-free systems for laying hens for over two decades.
Cheap supermarket meat is killing the rainforest & driving people like Osvalinda from their homes
Smallholders like the late Osvalinda Pereira face a campaign of deadly threats and harassment from big companies that produce feed for animals in Europe and China
Animals’ legal rights are on the agenda at UK Animal Law Conference, co-hosted by BCU
“The time to create a better legal future for animals that gives them the protection they so desperately need is now,” says Birmingham City University (BCU) animal law expert ahead of the fourth annual UK Animal Law Conference, taking place
1M hens thought to be crammed in cages in Scotland
Groundbreaking plans by the Scottish Government would end the ‘cage age’ of farming for good
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