Why Charles Darwin and St Francis of Assisi would have been fans of organic farming
“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man,” said Charles Darwin. Today is World Animal Day, a time to celebrate animals across the world, be they farmed, wild or companion animals.
Only a turkey would do trade deal with Brazil
As readers will know, Boris Johnson made an impassioned plea at the UN General Assembly for all countries to take action to reduce carbon emissions to save the planet from any further global warming
Compassion urges leaders to harness Food Summit momentum to tackle climate, health and nature emergencies
Compassion in World Farming is urging world leaders to harness the momentum garnered at this week’s first-ever United Nations Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) to take clear and radical action towards transforming our broken global food system.
Meat industry pushes UN food summit to back factory farming
A coalition of meat industry associations has pushed for the upcoming UN food systems summit to boost global meat consumption and promote intensive livestock farming despite its environmental footprint, Unearthed can reveal.
Livestock industry lobbying UN to support more meat production
Livestock groups have been lobbying the UN to support more meat and dairy production before a high-profile summit on food sustainability, documents reveal.
Sommet des systèmes alimentaires : les lobbies à l’œuvre pour produire toujours plus de viande
Alors que le sommet pour les systèmes alimentaires se réunit jeudi à New York, les industriels du secteur de la viande semblent particulièrement choyés, comme le révèle Greenpeace.
How To Bring Back Birds
Why the UN and global conversations could help save the Lapwing and other species
‘A seismic result’: European Commission set to ban all cages for farmed animals
The European Commission has unveiled plans to ban all cages for farmed animals within six years, in decision hailed as historic. The UK government, which claims Britain’s animal welfare standards are the highest in the world, is now being urged