Compassionate World Blog Round Up – July 23
For all the animal, farming, food and environment news from June and July, please use this great update
From the farming of insects to animal welfare in world religion, and from lab grown chicken to chalk streams, plus a whole lot more…
Opinion Articles
- Will England allow its iconic and rare chalk stream habitats to be trashed by pollution?Like the Scottish uplands, England’s chalk streams have become an iconic destination for many countryside lovers
- Insect Farming Isn’t Going to Save the PlanetRaising animals intensively for food is the biggest source of animal cruelty on the planet. It also happens to be a major emitter of greenhouse gases, responsible for up to 37 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
- Gardens can become sanctuaries for wildlife and help reverse the decline of naturePesticides and the ripping up of hedgerows and flower meadows has turned much of our countryside into a wildlife desert in recent decades
- US approval of ‘lab-grown chicken’ could be game-changer for efforts to halt decline of natureMeat grown from stem cells promises to emit fewer greenhouse gases than traditional agriculture
- The deep joy of getting up early and watching the natural world unfoldGetting up early is full of rewards as the natural world activates and clear thoughts are unlocked
- Live animal exports: UK Government just dropped its planned ban on practices that belong in the Dark AgesThe Conservatives had promised in their manifesto to stop the barbaric practice of sending young calves and other animals on horrific, over-long journeys abroad
- End of the Olympics? How Climate Change & Diets are Threatening the Future of SportLike on Social: With the Paris Olympics now done and dusted and the Paralympics hotting up to a climax, the big question is, could we be seeing the last of big sporting events? After all, the intense heat felt in… Read more: End of the Olympics? How Climate Change & Diets are Threatening the Future of Sport
- For The Love Of All Life6 Like on Social: Why we must face and act on the crisis facing humankind, animals and our planet A special guest blog by Joyce D’Silva and Carol McKenna The Food Crisis It’s a world of crises. Crises which are… Read more: For The Love Of All Life
- Sumatra’s Dwindling Elephants And How Everyone Can Help ThemLike on Social: ‘We are really scared for our children,’ a villager told me. ‘What if they are playing while we’re away? Who will help them?’ There had been a raid last night in this northern Sumatran village of Bangkeh,… Read more: Sumatra’s Dwindling Elephants And How Everyone Can Help Them
- WHY SPOIL OLYMPIC HIGHS BY SERVING FOOD FROM FORCE-FED GEESE?Like so many top sporting events, this year’s Paris Olympic Games has had plenty of highs and lows.
- After Covid Failures, How Prepared Are We For The Next Pandemic?Like on Social: UK and Scottish governments were inadequately prepared for the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a ruling by the UK Covid Enquiry. The public inquiry found that they had “failed their citizens” by not doing enough to properly plan… Read more: After Covid Failures, How Prepared Are We For The Next Pandemic?
- WHAT THE EYE DOESN’T SEE, THE HEART DOESN’T GRIEVE OVERWhy we must look to history to recognise the true devastation of biodiversity loss
- WHY CLIMATE COMPASSION SHOULD BE AT THE HEART OF POLITICSDeep into election season and we’ve all been inundated with messages from politicians of every persuasion trying to woo our vote.
Social Media Top Tweets – 637,000 tweet impressions in July
Latest Speaker Events for 2023
- 16th Jan: 5 x 15 online ‘Earth Convention’
- 9th Feb: Toppings, Edinburgh
- 15th Feb: Toppings, Bath
- 21st Feb: Romney Street Group, Pall Mall
- 23rd Feb: Probus, Petersfield
- 22nd March: NYC Bar Association Animal Law Committee
- 25th March: Peter Roberts Lecture, Oxford Lit Festival
- 26th April: Alt Protein Project, Jesus College Cambridge
- 11/12th May: Extinction Conference, London
- 29th May: Hay Festival, Wales
- 4th June: Peter Singer, Hackney Empire
- 24th June: Wealden Lit Festival
- 24-26th July: UNFSS+2 Stocktake, Rome
- 6th August: Wilderness Festival
- 13th Sept: Mi-CAN, Midhurst
- 19th Sept: European Vegan Summit (online)
- 30th Sept: Ferrara internazionale Festival, Italy
- 3rd Oct: Food Systems Conference, Turkey
- 10th Oct: Kindfest
- 13th Nov: Ark Global Summit
- 23rd Nov: Animal Welfare Intergroup Meeting, Strasbourg