Compassionate World Blog – Round Up for Nov/Dec
For all the animal, farming, food and environment news from November and December, please use this great update
From news about the live animal export ban, to the importance of kindness, and from the COP28 landmark declaration to One Health, plus a whole lot more…
Opinion Articles
COP28 climate change summit saw landmark declaration that should dramatically affect what we eat
At least 158 countries, including the UK, EU, and US, agreed that tackling climate change means that food consumption and production ‘must urgently adapt and transform’
Why “One Health” and animal welfare is key to sustainability for people and the global ecosystem
I was taking the night train to Nanyang in China's Henan province and spent the last hour before I reached my destination looking at mile upon mile of maize, or corn as it’s often known.
COP28 climate change summit must tackle the shocking amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by farming
Up to a third of greenhouse gas emissions globally are caused by food and the way it is produced
UK live animal export ban looks like it might finally happen
Refrigerated lorries mean there is no need to send animals on 60-hour journeys to be slaughtered
These regal birds gave me goosebumps as I watched them return against all odds
It might sound like a space-saving idea, but more than half of the UK’s cropland is devoted to feeding farm animals kept in cages
Social Media Top Three Tweets
Why @Sainsburys thinks this is so funny it’s worthy of a Christmas card is beyond me?
I don’t believe it would just be non-meat eaters who would find it distasteful and unnecessary#shameful
— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) November 15, 2023
with 266k impressions and over 6k engagements
As #RemembranceDay looms, we think of the millions of soldiers who died & the indispensable role played by 16 million animals who also ‘served’ many of whom lost their lives
For soldiers the bond they had with their animals was immeasurable#LestWeForget
Credit: Charlie Mackesy— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) November 10, 2023
with 40k impressions
It’s such HUGE news that under legislation announced in the Kings Speech live export of livestock for slaughter & fattening will be permanently banned
We’ve waited SO long for this cruelty to end
Peter Roberts who founded @ciwf would be so proud
We’ll fight until it becomes law— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) November 8, 2023
New Speaker Events for 2024
- 7th Feb: Residence Palace, Brussels
- 16th Mar: Oxford Lit Festival, Animal Welfare in World Religion
- 16th Mar: Oxford Lit Festival, The Politics of Food
- 16th Mar: Oxford Lit Festival, Peter Roberts Memorial Lecture
- 16th Mar: Oxford Lit Festival: Cultivated Meat – will it help our Future?