July Big Table Round Up Blog
This Roundup blog includes all the news and animal welfare activity from June and July.
From bees to water shortages and from landscapes to friendship, please do catch up on the articles, blogs and extensive social media support for all these stories, plus so much more.
Opinion Articles
4th July: ‘Warning of Easter Island’ is one that humanity must not ignore amid our population explosion
20th June: We can rethink our landscapes and allow farmed animals to experience the joy of living
13th June: Experts highlight ‘urgent’ need to rethink human-animal relationship
6th June: Bees, the ambassadors of the natural world, have an important message for humanity
30th July: The True Value Of Friendship https://philiplymbery.com/the-true-value-of-friendship-2/
22nd July: REVEALED: HOW OUR WILDLIFE IS ENDANGERED BY PESTICIDE-COATED SEEDS – AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR OUR OWN HEALTH https://philiplymbery.com/revealed-how-our-wildlife-is-endangered-by-pesticide-coated-seeds-and-what-it-means-for-our-own-health/
8th July: THE SECOND POPULATION EXPLOSION AND WHAT A LOST ISLAND TELLS US ABOUT OUR FUTURE https://philiplymbery.com/the-second-population-explosion-and-what-a-lost-island-tells-us-about-our-future/
24th June: BRACE YOURSELF: FACTORY FARMING COULD BE ABOUT TO MAKE WATER SHORTAGES MUCH WORSE https://philiplymbery.com/brace-yourself-factory-farming-could-be-about-to-make-water-shortages-much-worse/
16th June: LOOKING TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE https://philiplymbery.com/animal-welfare-awards/
13th June: Another World Is Possible: Ending Live Exports https://philiplymbery.com/another-world-is-possible-ending-live-exports/
9th June: WHY BEE-LOVING BRITS ARE KEY TO SAVING BELLWETHERS OF THE NATURAL WORLD https://philiplymbery.com/why-bee-loving-brits-are-key-to-saving-bellwethers-of-the-natural-world/
7th June: Collective Action For Our Oceans: From Nairobi to Stockholm to Lisbon and Onwards https://philiplymbery.com/collective-action-our-oceans-from-nairobi-to-stockholm-to-lisbon-and-onwards/
Social Media – Top Stories
Just one of many photos arising from Europes devastating fires #heartbreaking
So much life has suffered – human & animal but often there is little media coverage of the loss of wildlife & ecosystems #tragic
Credit Bassind'https://t.co/cLw4JLFPsJ ????sebatien dupuy#ClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/HbGSdqKTDn— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) July 24, 2022
A stunning, purple haze of super pollinating Phacelia in Sussex today
Buzzing with bees & butterflies
Advised by farmer that the soil was poor, so Phacelia is being used to break down & act as a fertile, green manure for follow on crops, as well as attracting insects & wildlife pic.twitter.com/tqlZD5W2BN— Philip Lymbery (@philip_ciwf) July 17, 2022
Speaker Event
On 16th September at 6pm at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, Philip will be speaking about his new book, Sixty Harvests Left.
He will be joined by the wonderful Compassion in World Farming Patron, Deborah Meaden and another yet to be announced.
This event is part of the Oxford Literary Festival series of special events and for further information and tickets, please use this link