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Media Links

Considerable progress on animal welfare was made in 2024 but there is

Climate change can feel like an overwhelmingly difficult issue, something just too

A new event is setting out to drive the transition to a

A new event is setting out to drive the transition to a

A new regenerative farming conference is taking place next month in Somerset.

A new regenerative farming conference is taking place next month in Somerset.

Love dogs? Love birds? Guess what—they can coexist peacefully, but it takes

“Sta op en spreek je uit voor een houdbaar voedselsysteem voor gezonde

It was early morning, and a tractor was pulling a plough. Back

Some supermarkets are failing to check whether imported food they sell has

Americans love meat. And despite a whole range of new plant-based alternatives

Humans need soil to grow food and survive, but our soil is

‘Enough is enough’ is a powerful phrase used by many to protest

Extraordinary coming together of farmers, campaigners, food industry figures and experts in

On Saturday 19 October, the '1000 Caring Actions Congress' will take place

Rising temperatures are reducing the number of places where the Winter Olympics

Like so many top sporting events, this year’s Paris Olympic Games has

Africa is still affected by hunger and deprivation, despite it's description as

600 tisíc domácností by mělo nově platit koncesionářské poplatky. Čeká nás ještě

Humanity’s destruction of the natural world is bringing us into contact with

Public health researchers are urging farmers to consider the severe and concerning

Co všechno najdete ve čtvrteční příloze deníku Právo Salon?

Deep into election season and we’ve all been inundated with messages from

End Live Export New Zealand members from Timaru have flown to Wellington

Sám je od 17 let vegan a snaží se povzbuzovat ostatní k

Sitting on a child’s bed are rows of brightly coloured animals. A

In Betty’s Bay, South Africa, one of the world’s wildlife celebrities, an

Penguins Are Key Indicators of the Ocean’s Health | TIME

In Betty’s Bay, South Africa, one of the world’s wildlife celebrities, an

For Philip Lymbery, the author of ‘Farmageddon’, ‘The Dead Zone’ and ‘Sixty

Event has been set up following months of rainfall misery for farmers

Diretores de Porto Belo discutem políticas públicas e desafios da defesa animal

Jestli lidstvo výrazně nezmění své zemědělství, zbývá nám už jen šedesát nebo

It’s a tricky time to be writing about food sustainability. The issue

“At the current rate of loss, some 12 million hectares of agricultural

O Fórum Animal aderiu a uma grande campanha internacional liderada pela organização

Fórum Animal adere ao movimento END.IT, liderado pela organização Compassion in World

O Fórum Animal, uma das mais respeitadas entidades voltadas à causa animal

The mind of an octopus can be compared to a three-year-old child’s.

Woolworths is the first retailer in South Africa to receive a Special

Smallholders like the late Osvalinda Pereira face a campaign of deadly threats

Groundbreaking plans by the Scottish Government would end the ‘cage age’ of

Světovou půdu můžeme ztratit během jediného lidského života! S tímhle mrazivým varováním

Growing crops to feed bugs for humans to eat does not make

When naturalist David Attenborough met Poppy, a young mountain gorilla, and her

When naturalist David Attenborough met Poppy, a young mountain gorilla, and her

After almost 20 years as CEO, I’ve learned that the way you

Visitors will be descending on Oxford next month in their thousands to

Philip’s interview with Leão Serva from Brazil’s top TV station about

Nitrogen pollution is a large contributor to the triple planetary crisis of

Kweekvlees is gewoon vlees en geen namaakvlees, laat staan onnatuurlijk vlees.'

Americans love meat. And despite a whole range of new plant-based alternatives

Americans love meat. And despite a whole range of new plant-based alternatives

Beavers and landowners can sometimes come into conflict but these situations can

A ban on the live export of animals for slaughter and fattening

Do you double down on dairy or opt for alternatives?

Agricultura regenerativa, embora não tenha uma definição universal, é a aposta-chave para

On ACT Radio, Liz and Tom talk with Philip Lymbery, author of

Emergency approval for a bee-harming pesticide by the UK Government has once again sent

Thirty years after protests against live animal exports, the UK is on

World leaders and policymakers have been slow to focus on the food

As reported by CBS Miami (above), by 2017 nitrogen fertilizers and sewage

Households and retailers in wealthy countries waste the most animal lives by

Naturalista e ativista britânico Philip Lymbery faz alerta sobre a crise dos

Em novo livro, o britânico Philip Lymbery alerta que, no ritmo atual

Refrigerated lorries mean there is no need to send animals on 60-hour

In September 2019, the International Space Station was undertaking an extraordinary mission:

Philip Lymbery explains how space-age cultivated meat might change our taste buds

In June 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) authorized two California

In September 2019, the International Space Station was undertaking an extraordinary mission:

Insects are fascinating, trees make us happy and sea eagles are just

S generálním ředitelem organizace Compassion in World Farming Philipem Lymberym o tom

Torna Internazionale a Ferrara, il festival di giornalismo organizzato da Internazionale e

Começamos por falar de duas empresas portuguesas que criam modelos regenerativos. E,