Philip speaking at The Food Impact Conference in Istanbul, Turkey
Brussels Cell Meat Symposium’ 2022 concluding presentation by Philip Lymbery
‘Preventing the Next Pandemic’
News Story from Carte Blanche
Rewilding the Soil Conference Sept 2021 – How long does agriculture have left? – Day two of the South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group’s three day conference all about soil. Philip’s segment is on Day 2, starting around 4:11:00
Regenerative Agriculture: scaling agroecological production for human, animal, and planetary health – Building on the aspirations of the UN Food Systems Summit Compassion convened a dialogue on 18th October, 2021 to explore how to scale regenerative agroecological production for better human, animal and planetary health.
Catholic Concern for Animals – Philip Lymbery in conversation with CCA Chief Executive, Chris Fegan and Dr Gerald Taylor.
28th June: UN Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue: One Health, One Welfare – FULL VERSION
28th June: UN Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue: One Health, One Welfare – speaker highlights:
European Studies Centre, Oxford. 2nd June.
Saving the Planet: The Ethical and Economic Case for Regenerative Agriculture
Coller Foundation Conference Rethinking Protein Conference on 3rd June
Accelerating law and policy in the global food system
Political economy challenges – Session 4: The power of public activism
European Climate Action Conference at Oxford
Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss
Launch of the new Chatham House report, in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Compassion in World Farming.
This special session reviews the impacts our global food system has on biodiversity and explores the ways in which we can achieve nature-friendly and biodiversity-supporting food production.
The true cost of our food systems:
Episode 3 of EAT@Home’s special newscast features Philip and focuses on how small-scale food producers can receive their fair share.
Extinction Films | Compassion in World Farming Interview for Nariko’s Voyage
Philip Lymbery and Lara Richardson talk about the up and coming political TV thriller – Nariko’s Voyage
How to Love Food and Save Nature:
A film of the highlights of a special Webinar hosted by Compassion in World Farming and United Nations Environment Programme and supported by the EAT@Home
How factory farming drives the loss of iconic species
Our global hunger for cheap meat and dairy is a key driver of wildlife decline, never more evident than in Brazil.
Covid-19: How Factory Farming Fuels Pandemics
A presentation to the University of Barcelona 2nd July 2020
How to Bring Birds Flooding Back!
A personal and visionary exploration by Philip Lymbery of why many once-common birds are in trouble and how to bring them back.
Recorded for Virtual Birdfair 2020
UN Environment Programme’s ‘Food Basket by Nature’ Short Trailer
The importance of biodiversity and resilient food systems.
A special trailer #ForNature #WorldEnvironmentDay2020
UN Environment Programme’s ‘Food Basket by Nature’ Film
- How are farming and biodiversity linked?
- How do you encourage more young people to become sustainable farmers
- And how do you make the best hot chocolate?
The answers are here to celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay2020
Population Matters Conference 2019
Philip’s presentation at the 2019 Population Matters’ conference on population and biodiversity.
The Moral Maze of Milk – is your milk trashing the planet?
A short film to help explain what kind of milk, dairy or plant based, is better for animal welfare and the environment.
The Moral Maze of Milk – Long Version
The film version of a talk by Philip Lymbery to help you navigate the most ethical choice of milks and plant drinks currently on the market
Changing Food Systems for a Regenerative Future
Philip Lymbery at the FT Global Conference Nov 2018
Philip Lymbery Ethos Video
Philip shares his ethos and talks about his life’s commitment to help the welfare of all animals.
Keynote Speech at the Extinction and Livestock Conference 2017
‘Industrial Agriculture: the Great Disappearing Act’
The Extinction and Livestock Conference 2017 Closing Remarks
Philip Lymbery and Glyn Davies share the close of the conference.
Extinction and Livestock Conference 2017 Highlights.
The Extinction and Livestock Conference – the world’s first international event to explore the impact of livestock production on the future of life on Earth – took place on 5 and 6 October 2017 at the prestigious QEII Conference Centre in London
Dead Zone – Where the Wild Things Were.
Farming wildlife to extinction — a two-year global investigation by Philip finds that as farm animals are being caged and confined, wildlife is being pushed to the edge of extinction
Farmageddon – The True Cost of Cheap Meat.
Over a three-year period, Philip Lymbery travelled the world with a camera crew to explore the complex web of farming, fishing, industrial production, and international trade, which effects the food on our plate.
Philip Lymbery at the 2018 Oxford Farming Conference
2018 Oxford Farming Conference debate held at the Oxford Union. Topic: “This House believes that by 2100 meat eating will be a thing of the past”
Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were, new paperback launch
A new, compelling film (to coincide with the new paperback) shows how the world’s most iconic wildlife is being pushed to extinction by the demand for cheap meat.
Planet Earth: How mankind is threatening life on earth
A special documentary explaining what is going wrong with our food systems and how our desire for cheap meat is driving species to extinction.