Doze livros de ciência para o Natal
O autor, professor da Universidade de Winchester e sobretudo dirigente da ONG Compassion in World Farming explica como a «agricultura intensiva é uma ameaça tão grande como as alterações climáticas.»
Cost of living crisis: A new year’s resolution to be kinder to animals can help cut bills and save the planet
“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression believed to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. At first the words seem like a blessing, but with a little thought, the irony soon becomes clear.
Extreme weather of 2022 destroyed habitats, disrupted breeding – but it’s just the start, experts warn
Ferocious wildfires, record-breaking temperatures and a devastating drought destroyed habitats and disrupted the breeding of rare animals this year – a pattern set to be repeated, the National Trust has warned.
Here’s How Factory Farming Threatens Our Food Security
Climate change is threatening agricultural supply chains nearly everywhere in the world, disrupting harvests and slowing production, and causing food to disappear from grocery shelves.
Voici comment l’agriculture industrielle menace notre sécurité alimentaire
Le changement climatique menace les chaînes d’approvisionnement agricoles presque partout dans le monde, perturbant les récoltes et ralentissant la production, et faisant disparaître les aliments des rayons des épiceries.
Sixty Harvests Left: Existential Threat Of The Food System Laid Bare In New Book
Compassion in World Farming chief executive Philip Lymbery has released a new book that highlights the impending doom facing humanity as a result of unsustainable Big Agriculture.