Ask The Sustainable Farming Expert – Philip Lymbery
Ending our exploration into sustainability this year, we are interviewing author and Chief Executive Officer of Compassion in World Farming – Philip Lymbery. His book Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future featured in our sustainability book list
Why Animal Welfare Enforcement Matters
This guest blog summarises Philip Lymbery's speech during the European Parliamentary event "Enforcement of EU Animal Welfare Legislation", held on 7 September 2022.
An Interview With Philip Lymbery – CEO Of Compassion In World Farming
WHAT IS FACTORY FARMING? Essentially factory farming, the intensive rearing of animals in cages, crammed in confinement is not only the biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet, it’s also a major driver of declines of wildlife, and the very
Why the UN Food Systems Summit is Crucial for Animals, People and the Planet
As a lifelong naturalist who lives on a farm, I am acutely aware of how food, nature and the countryside are interlinked. The other day, I managed to capture on film my first face-on barn owl whilst out walking. It was
An interview with Philip Lymbery – CEO of Compassion in World Farming
WHAT IS FACTORY FARMING? Essentially factory farming, the intensive rearing of animals in cages, crammed in confinement is not only the biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet, it’s also a major driver of declines of wildlife, and the
Alliance to Save our Antibiotics – Why our health is at risk from weak trade deals
Whilst the threat posed by viruses has dominated headlines recently, a new report by the Alliance to Save our Antibiotics shows public health is being seriously undermined by the overuse of antibiotics in intensive animal farming.
Vuelio Green Blogger Spotlight
How did you originally get started with writing about green issues? - 40 years ago, as an avid member of the RSPB’s Young Ornithologist’s Club (YOC), I took part in a project to find Britain’s most common garden bird. I’ve written